Black Business

Sistahbiz Takes on Denver Startup Week with a Bold Black Girl Takeover

Fall is rolling in and the notable Denver Startup Week is set to launch September 16-22. Sistahbiz is sending their Denver Delegation in for a full-on Black Girl Takeover.

As the leaves begin to change and the air turns crisp, the anticipation for Denver Startup Week is ramping up. Though this year, Denver’s own Sistahbiz Global Network prepares to make its mark on the event. We’re sending in the “Denver Delegation” for what promises to be a powerful and impactful presence. This Black Girl Takeover is our statement about representation, equity, and the voice of the Black woman entrepreneur.
Combatting Invisibility: A Bold Stand for Representation
As founder of the network, I’m on a mission to increase social capital for Black women founders. Additionally, I want to do all that I can to reduce the invisibility that often accompanies being the only Black woman in the room at these types of events. As a network that empowers and supports Black women entrepreneurs, we understand the importance of being visible, heard, and acknowledged in spaces where traditionally marginalized voices may be overshadowed. Our new and fun approach to doing this is the Sistahbiz Denver Delegation. I’ll be creating opportunities for our founders to show up at important events – together. Denver Startup Week serves as an excellent platform to kickstart this goal. 
Embracing Inclusivity and Equity: Aligning with Denver’s New Leadership
Denver’s new Mayor, Mayor Mike Johnston, has been making waves with his unwavering commitment to inclusivity and equity. I’ve been a part of his transition committee and I’m inspired. His dedication to creating a more diverse and representative entrepreneurial landscape aligns with Sistahbiz’s mission. By participating in Denver Startup Week and other economic development activities, Sistahbiz will be working to contribute to a vision of a more inclusive startup ecosystem.
Power Networking and Cross-Cultural Bridges: Starting at Denver Startup Week
The recent attacks on women’s and civil rights make now, more than ever, the time to be visible, to build powerful networks and forge cross-cultural connections. Our founders must have a seat at the table to help dismantle systems of injustice in economic development. With a diverse array of attendees, speakers, and sessions, the event offers ample opportunities to bridge gaps, foster collaboration, and create lasting relationships that transcend backgrounds and industries.

Claiming Our Space: Sistahbiz Headquarters in the Heart of Denver

It’s only fitting that the Sistahbiz, headquartered in Denver, takes its rightful place on the startup scene during Denver Startup Week. The organization’s nationwide work now supports hundreds of Black women founders in over 27 states now, and it all started here in Denver. Several of our members who started their businesses with the support our programs, are speaking, hosting panels and pitching at the DSW Equity Pitch Competition. 
Notable Events on the Agenda
If you’re looking for the #BlackGirlMagic at Denver Startup Week, check out member-hosted events:

  • Equity Pitch Competition: Organized by Sistahbiz board member and CEO of Dope Mom Life, Dianne Myles, this competition highlights the importance of equity in startup endeavors, giving the stage to a suite of BIPOC founders to shoot their shot. Scheduled for September 19 at 6PM, this event promises to showcase groundbreaking ideas and innovative solutions that strive for inclusivity.
  • WOMEN 40+: You Belong. Start Your Company Today: Led by Sistahbiz member and CEO of SecondActWomen, Barbara Brooks, this session on September 19 at 3 PM addresses the age-related barriers that women often face in the entrepreneurial world. By highlighting the opportunities and successes of women over 40, this session challenges stereotypes and encourages women to pursue their dreams regardless of age.
  • From Startup to Storefront: Set for September 20 at 3 PM, this panel features Coach K and explores the journey from a startup idea to a full-fledged storefront. With insights from seasoned entrepreneurs, this event offers invaluable lessons for those looking to turn their innovative ideas into successful businesses.

Connecting Beyond the Sessions: Building Bridges Downtown
Beyond the scheduled sessions, the Sistahbiz Denver Delegation is linking up for a daily wrap up huddle. Each day, members will gather at various happy hour or after hour venues to unwind, network, and connect on a more personal level. The events calendar, available at, provides all the details you need to join the fun.

So if you’re Black woman in business, hit us up at DSW, Sis. If you’re ally, let’s connect! Bring your LinkedIn app, your business cards, your favorite Lisbeth Joe minimalist flats and let’s go! See you there!

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