Hispanic Life

Job opportunities for Latinos in the United States

Learn about job opportunities for Latinos in the United States; with jobs in different environments such as home services, construction companies, automotive, health, wellness and more; Well, simply by traveling to this country you will find something in which you can develop as a professional by virtue of your skills and abilities.

Job opportunities for Latinos in the United States

Many people who travel to the United States in search of the American dream find decent jobs that allow them to provide adequate support for their families and remain self-employed.

An example of this is jobs such as construction, where Latinos have a greater chance of finding a job than in a public administration office.

It is usual when touring this country, to find Spanish speakers who provide their services in restaurants, bars, hotels and the like; but not so often in organizations within which financial activities are carried out; However, this depends to a large extent on your professional and academic level.

It should be noted in terms of job opportunities for Latinos in the United States, that this population has grown in recent years; but jobs are not growing as fast.

However, statistical studies published by DOL have established that Latinos are an important labor force within the following sectors:

• Construction
• Field, forest, fishing and hunting
• Bars, restaurants and hotels
• Mining, gas or oil extraction
• Transport and public services
• Wholesale and retail trade
• Business and professional services
• Jobs in the industry
• Teachers in education and health services
• Public administration
• Financial activities

Within these areas of work, there is a greater influx of workers for construction and less in public administration, education, health and financial activities.

It should be noted at the same time that many of the jobs held by Latinos have low wages and unstable conditions; depending on the city or state in which they reside.

Fastest growing professions in the United States

Based on the studies carried out by the Bureau of Statistics of the US Department of Labor, it has been highlighted that the professions most in demand in this country are the following:

• Qualified nurses from abroad.
• Sellers in stores that have studies below the secondary level.
• Home health care assistants, in charge of monitoring, recording and controlling the health of a patient in a personalized way.
• Personal care attendants for the elderly and disabled or people afflicted with chronic illnesses.
• Office workers, with different types of tasks.
• Employees in restaurants, who perform services in the kitchen, cleaning, parking or customer service, among others.
• Customer Service Workers, in charge of answering calls, answering questions, resolving problems and complaints from customers who use the services of chain stores and other types of companies; both health, telephony or sales.
• Drivers of taxis, trucks and other types of urban and interurban transport.
• Loading and unloading employees in various companies and organizations; such as markets, ports, chain stores, airports and the like.
• University professors, specialists in specific educational subjects and people qualified for library administration with a professional or doctoral degree.

Although jobs are still offered on farms; It is a form of work that is not being practically demanded, as are workers related to the operation of machines, fishing, mail, typists or fast food cooks; according to the analysis of the Bureau of Statistics.

However, there are many job opportunities for Latinos in the United States; in fact, there are media such as El Clasificado of New York; within which all the job offers that are being demanded in this country are published so that those interested look for a position according to their abilities and skills.

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