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Kate Gosselin: Living All Alone! Broke and Desperate for Money?!?

According to a pair of new reports, Kate Gosselin is not living her best life these days.

First, The Sun claims that the former reality star is living all by herself in North Carolina because the four kids in her care — Aaden, Alexis, Leah and Joel — all moved away to college this fall.

Gosselin famously is the mother to eight children.

But two (Mady and Cara) are working in New York after graduating from college; while two others (Hannah and Colin) live with her ex-husband, Jon.

Kate Gosselin on a red carpet
Kate Gosselin arrives at the Zappos.com Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Marathon on December 2, 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Isaac Brekken/Getty Images for Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon)

One might think that Gosselin is using this opportunity to get a job and to pad her dwindling bank account, but, well…

“Kate hasn’t had a job other than reality TV for 17 years,” a source tells The Sun, adding:

“It is very clear that Kate has no interest in living a normal life and having a real job.

“It looks like Kate’s financial situation is dire.”

Kate Gosselin speaks during the HGTV segment of the 2019 Winter Television Critics Association Press Tour at The Langham Huntington, Pasadena on February 12, 2019 in Pasadena, California. (Getty)

Kate (whose nursing license expires in 2025) returned to television this year for the first time since 2019 in order to appear on Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test.

Relatedly, last year Jon accused Kate of stealing over $100,000 from their kids’ trust, another example (if true) that the latter is desperate for make ends meet.

The Sun also reports that she’s requesting a judge force her ex to pay her $132,875 in back child support payments that she alleges Jon owes her from nearly a decade ago.

“She is suing for support for money that was created by domestic relations in 2012. It was at the time she wanted legal custody of the kids so she could film and earn more money,” The Sun writes.

“She is relentless and desperate for money so she is now trying to sue.”

Kate Gosselin on camera
Kate Gosselin of the reality TV show Kate Plus 8 visits “Extra” at The Levi’s Store Times Square on June 11, 2019 in New York City. (Getty)

Kate Gosselin has said very little in public of late, but she was prompted back into the spotlight this summer after Colin accused his mother of abuse.

The teenager claimed Kate sent him away to a special needs institution back when he was 13 in order to hide the way she had treated him.

This accusation caused Kate to issue a statement of her own.

Kate Gosselin and Colin Gosselin
Kate Gosselin no longer speaks to son Collin. It’s very sad. (TLC)

I have never wanted to have to do this, but I feel I have been backed into a corner and left with no choice. Although it saddens me to do so, I need to speak out now, Kate said to open a lengthy statement on Instagram at the time.

My son Collin, whom I love with all my heart, has received multiple psychiatric diagnoses over the years.

For the safety of myself, his brothers and sisters and for his own well-being, he was placed in a facility following years of outpatient treatment which proved insufficient for his needs.

The decision to admit him was made by emergency room doctors following one of his many attacks/outbursts — this one involving his use of a weapon.

Kate Gosselin on TV
Kate Gosselin is back on reality TV. Here’s a look at the busy mother on something called Special Forces. (FOX)

Jon Gosselin rescued Collin from this facility in 2017 and was later awarded temporary custody of him.

In September 2020, Jon was accused of assaulting the child.

He defended himself against this charge by stating at the time that Collin was having a manic episode and he was simply trying to restrain the young man.

This type of incident does seem to correlate with what Kate is saying about Collin above.

Kate Gosselin TLC Photo
Kate Gosselin is angry, which is her default state. (Getty)

All measures that were taken in our home were at the explicit recommendation of his pediatric psychiatrist and/or his team of specialists and were put into place to safeguard every member of our family, our friends as well as our family pets, concluded Kate in July.

Unfortunately, I believe Collin remains a very troubled young man who continues to need a lot of help.

His brothers and sisters and I have not been directly involved in his life due to his history of unpredictable behavior and violent tendencies towards us.

This is all I have to say on the matter and I will not be discussing this subject any further at this time.

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