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‘Big Brother’s Cirie Shares Her Biggest Mistake After Getting Evicted (Exclusive)

Cirie Fields had trust issues in season 25 of Big Brother, and that’s what led to her eviction during Thursday night’s episode.

Mama Fields and Mama Felicia Cannon were on the chopping block, and though Head of Household Matt Klotz had his sights set on booting Felicia, his feelings or intentions were a nonstarter considering it was Jag Bains and Bowie Jane who had the voting power. And thus, it was the Survivor legend who got the boot on Day 93 — just one week shy of next week’s two-hour finale.

For Cirie, explaining her ouster is pretty simple — she had trust issues.

“Oh, my biggest mistake throughout the game was trusting my close allies,” she told ET in the Big Brother exit interview. “Typically, I’m used to being able to trust someone, especially when it comes to sharing information. And getting in these games, you typically can’t and shouldn’t trust anyone. But you can’t play these games alone, so you have to pick and choose someone to trust.”

She added, “And in the game of Big Brother, there is no one, and that’s why it was so difficult.”

She said even her son, Jared Fields, disclosing some of her information doomed her.


“We’ll talk about that when I get home,” she quipped. “But you have to be able to share information, and information is currency and unfortunately, all of my allies had loose lips.”

Jag and Bowie viewed Cirie, a 53-year-old surgical director from Walterboro, South Carolina, as the biggest threat to their game, but it was Matt who nominated her in the first place to get evicted. And that, Cirie said, will come back to haunt him.

“Matt is going to kick himself 750,000 times for nominating me,” she said. “We had a plan. Matt, as I told Jared, I knew Matt would crumble and Matt crumbled under the pressure of Jag even to his own detriment and his game’s own detriment.”

Cirie also revealed why she chose not to disclose to the house that Jared’s her son, saying that doing so would “absolutely not” have changed her outcome.

“We, the whole entire house, targeted any pairs,” she explained. “The “showmance pair” — Matt and Jag — was viewed as a pair. Izzy and I were viewed as a pair. When there’s two or more players that are strongly connected, that brings on a huge target. So, having two family members, you can’t get any stronger connection than that. We would have instantly been targeted if I had exposed our relationship.”


Cirie, of course, entered the Big Brother competition with a decorated reality TV resume. She’s considered one of the greatest Survivor competitors ever, after competing on four seasons of the iconic competition series. So it begs the question — which competition series proved toughest?

Survivor, you can escape everything. Survivor, you have the release of looking at the beautiful scenery. You can go on a foraging expedition alone. You don’t have to consistently be under the pressure of communicating with people nonstop,” she explained. “You can take a nap on Survivor if you choose. On Big Brother, there is no escaping the game. The only escape you get from the game is when you sleep. And the second you wake up, your mind and your body and everything is right back in the game. And it’s just a consistent vise grip on your mental capacity. And that’s what makes it more difficult to me than any other game that I’ve played.”

“And also the length of time,” she added. “Survivor is the longest I’ve played. Survivor was for 38 days. [Peacock series TheTraitors was even shorter than that. This was 100 days of mental vise grip. It is truly a pressure cooker.”

The Big Brother season 25 two-hour finale airs Thursday on CBS.


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