Women's Health

“I just burst into tears and said ‘I can’t do it all’…” Influencer Louise Boyce on life as the default parent

Louise Boyce is a mum of three, an author, and a successful model and influencer. She’s just remodelled a house, sent her firstborn to senior school, hosted a book launch, and learned to ski – to say her plate is full is an understatement… and all while being the default parent.

Here at GoodToKnow we are more than aware of the pressure being the default parent brings – the one who researches the importance of helping a child use their voice, receives all the school emails, makes all the appointments, keeps on top of the family planner, schedules play dates, sorts food menus, breaks up arguments, the list really is endless. All this while also trying to work out how to explain the mental load to your partner and still (it can take years) navigating matresence – building a relationship with the new you now that you’re a mum. And Louise gets it too, she tells us; “Yes I am the default parent. A classic example of this was when I was away working in Miami. My son asked Alexa ‘call mum’ then asked me if he could have a snack. My husband (their father) was in the next room. I don’t mind being the default parent, but at times it’s tough. I can’t remember the last time I had uninterrupted time in the bathroom.”

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